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Eda Tibet

The screening follwed by an award ceremony on the 11th of August at Teatro Paravento.

“An Amazon Night’s Dream” by Diego Sarmiento and Milenka Rojas Ramírez won the newly launched ImagiNATION short film competition, a unique storytelling initiative that brings together young filmmakers and changemakers from Kenya, Peru and Switzerland. The short film, which was selected by an international jury, was screened at the Teatro Paravento in Locarno, Switzerland on August 11.

“An Amazon Night’s Dream” tells of the past, present and possible future of the Amazon, of its beauty, its endangerment and its boundless potential - reflected by a young Indigenous girl in a dialog with her grandmother. According to filmmaker Diego Sarmiento: “With this short film, we thought to provide a hopeful message, which nature (represented by the grandmother) transmits to the girl. Future solutions will be found in our children. They are both fragile and strong, like nature itself.”

The second and third-placed films, “The Guardian of Gaia” by Lady Vinces Cruz and Rosakebia Liliana Estela Mendoza, and “Melich Builds a House” by Lydia Matata and Melich Gichia, were also screened.

Wyss choice award went to Roots of Renewal by Franklyne Mudulia.

Audience at Teatro Paravento watching the winning Imagination Short Films, 11 August.

Franco Garcia, Tatjana von Steiger, Seta Takhur, Eda Elif Tibet, Emine Ertugrul, Noa Kurz, Tatiana Giraldo, Sarah Keller, Natalia Peralta, Cecilia Olima. Red Carpet, Locarno 11 August 2024.

The productions were judged by a jury of three experts: Alice Apley, Executive Director of Documentary Educational Resources (DER), Gabriel Lama Oliart, Head of Solutions Mapping at the UNDP Accelerator Labs and designer for cultural and social innovations, and Urs Bühler, journalist and editor of NZZ am Sonntag magazine.


Amazon Night’s Dream immerses viewers in an indigenous cosmovision of nature and calls for the embrace of a culturally rooted, spirit-filled world as an antidote to the ravaging of the natural environment. Effectively framed by an intimate and emotional conversation between granddaughter and grandmother, through the creative use of montage, the film poetically evokes the forest filled with spirits and touches upon the importance of ancestral knowledge and wisdom. In a very short space of time, the compelling  film touches upon themes such as the cycle of growth and decay, the passing on of knowledge across generations, and the appreciation of nature. Rather than concentrating on one singular solution for a problem, it makes a case for the roles of both elder and younger generations in preserving nature in a holistic and spiritually grounded tone of voice.On the top, the combination of the own made soundtrack with the brilliant cinematography gives chills in every scene , leaving the viewer in awe and deep appreciation.




This moving short movie captures in all brevity its fascinating protagonist, her personality and dignity are captured in a subtly, but touching way: This female guardian is deeply rooted in her environment, closely connected to the animals she looks after, the mountain and she seems to be one. The cinematographic aspect is strong, for example the interplay between the close-ups of the human face and the vastness of the landscape is full of integrity. So it delivers a whole series of memorable images and scenes that stick in the mind. The stillness of the camera allows us to perceive the inner storms of the protagonist and her loneliness. And in a way, her fight that she carries under isolation for her natural environment is representative of other causes for this planet and against forces that threaten to destroy it or at least make lasting damage.




This inspiring film "Melich builds a house"  immerses us in the creative process and dreams of a visionary young architect. Step by step the filmmaker allows us to understand what motivates and mobilizes the change-maker youth in Kenya and around the world are working for. Melich demonstrates through actions the power of co-creation and the achievement of consensus, the multiplying power of the technical capabilities of young people, as well as the strong sense of purpose and commitment that generates solutions and change for a more just future.  The film is exciting due to the intimacy it creates between the viewer and the innovative protagonist allowing us to understand how access to proper housing is more than a human need but a right to have. The application of motion graphics not only generates a positive and transformative rhythm but also allows us to visualize, alongside Melich, the possible futures that can be imagined for an entire community. 



The remarkable short film presents a compelling and scalable strategy for addressing climate change, unemployment, and the detrimental impact of the charcoal trade on deforestation. The film highlights the ambitious goal of planting over 10 million trees as part of the government's initiative to achieve 30% tree cover in Kenya by planting 15 billion trees. To address the significant loss of trees caused by charcoal burning, Raphael Muli, a changemaker, collaborates with local community members and leaders to plant indigenous and high-value fruit seedlings. These seedlings are then distributed among community members, providing an alternative and sustainable source of livelihood through fruit farming. The film has been well-received by the Wyss Academy community due to its solution-oriented approach in overcoming challenges and offering a sustainable means of connecting with nature. One of the main protagonists in the film expresses their joy at the positive impact of the planted trees, stating, "I am so happy we have a great environment. All these trees provide us with everything we could ask for - the fruits, the shade, and the birds singing for us. I feel at peace."


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