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EthnoKino Film Festival "Belonging" Highlights (2022)

Aktualisiert: 11. Dez. 2022

After the world premiere of the film AMALA on the life story and work of Dalai Lamap's Sister a Q&A followed with Jetsun Pema and Geleck Palsang, moderated by the film festival's curator Eda Elif Tibet.

The opening day of the film festival was marked by Dalai Lama's sister Jetsun Pema's presence. The Tibetan diasporic community in Bern has arranged a heartwarming welcoming that moved people into tears. The Tibetan community was then gathered along with all other guests around the Apero table generously provided by our sponsor Ali Baba.Engaging conversations took place between the guests of whom including Jetsun Pema were trying Turkish and Mediterranean food for the first time. Reknown Tibetan opera artist and musician Loten Namling has given a breath taking performance in Tibetan folk songs and afterwords in a rock concert. Jetsun Pema delivered a Vision Talk on the theme of the festival "Belonging" emphasising to the importance of the vision of the festival for bringing differences in one place manifesting harmony and peace. Right after the world premiere of the film AMALA we had a long lasting much engaging Q&A session with the filmmaker Geleck Palsang. The night ended with the hypnotic beats of Dj Anil Aksoz to where the EthnoKino community danced all night long.

Earlier , the day (30 Sept) started with a Doc Impact Lab delivered by Dr.Mike Poltorak and Dr.Eda Elif Tibet. Participating filmmakers whose films were to be screened at the film festival, came together to discuss what impact meant to them. Filmmakers discussed and explored questions around; how to design and implement impact?

The next two days (1-2 October) were full house with Audience from all sorts of backgrounds coming to participate to the Q&As of filmmakers from Iran, Syria, France, Germany, India and Mexico. Ehsan Lesani the director of Shi and Mohammed Abdeen the director of Expired were present for an engaging Q&A in person to present their films.

"Belonging to an Earth Family" Vision Talk Show took place right after the screening of the community film screening "Home for Humanity" (first cut) that is about the life of two visionaries Prof.Alexander Schieffer and Dr.Rama Mani. and Dr.Gary Martin's engaging vision talk "A Collective Vision", which was accompanied with various videos on big screen.

Prof.Christian Suhr gave an inspiring masterclass till late night, right after the audience being hypnotized by his award winning transcendental film"Light Upon Light". On a Sunday the filmmakers and EK Community members had a delicious Brunch accompanied by Balkan music at Ali Baba Restaurant in Langasse, just across Unitobler.

Antonio Coello's Seven Ridges received great applause from the audience. We had to open a champagne to celebrate it's masterful brilliance. Jakob Gehrmann's film "Qazi" shaked people to the core and provoked people to think from a much different angle. EthnoKino provided pizza to all those who attended the late night Q&A session with the filmmaker facilitated by Samirah Siddiqui (a de-colonial author and editor).

Eventually, what made a huge difference with this film festival, is that we constantly tried to create a homely cozy feeling of being together a sense of belonging through the sharing and making sense of stories coming from all parts of the planet. We truly beleave in the transformative power of watching and then discussing the films as an excuse to contribute better to the communities we are serving to.

Recap Video of the Festival Belonging, 2022.

Jetsun Pema's Vision Talk on "Belonging".

All films that made it to the festival 2022 has received an award of recognition in the form of an amulet glass pendant "evil eye" so to be protected and to be able to protect their vision.

Dr.Mike Poltorak, Dr.Gary Martin and Dr.Eda Elif Tibet together with Jetsun Pema.

Jetsun Pema and Tenpa Tsering with the Tibetan diasporic community in Bern.

Cihan Elci, Rama Mani, Samirah Siddiqui, Jetsun Pema, Tenpa Tsering, Eda Elif Tibet, Kajsa leiden, Dahvi Shiva, Alexander Schieffer.

EthnoKino Film Festival Team: Senol Sen, Cihan Elci, Ozgur Deniz, Sarah Keller, Eda Elif Tibet, Nyma Sausser, Inanc Tekguc and Ama Nyarko Jones.

EK Community with guests, friends and filmmakers.

Gary Martin delivering a Vision Talk: "Collective Vision".

Doc Impact Lab, Dr.Eda Elif Tibet.

Dahvi Shiva, EK Community Member speaking what impact means to him.

Audience: Loten Namling, Samirah Siddiqui, Zoe, Nimal Borloud, Senol Sen, Ehsan Lesani, Jakob Gehrmann, Chris Martin, Kajsa Lieden.

Antonio Coello's incredible film "Seven Ridges" Q&A with EK Film Festival Member Ama Nyarko Jones.

Prof.Christian Suhr Delivering a Masterclass on "Belonging to a film".

Mohammed Abdeen Q&A on his film Expired.

Mohammed Abdeen Q&A on his film Expired.

Nyma Sausser, Rama Mani, Kathrin Oester and Kajsa Lieden

Prof.Christian Suhr receiving his award of recognition for his film "Light Upon Light".

Prof.Christian Suhr delivering a masterclass on "Belonging to a Film" right after the screening of his film "Light Upon Light".

Earth Family Vision Talk Show with Pius Leutenegger, Alexander Schieffer, Rama Mani and Gary Martin.

Ehsan Lesani receiving his award of recognition and merchandise by the curators Cihan Elci and Eda Elif Tibet.

Audience, EthnoKino Film Festival Opening.

Q&A with Geleck Palsang and Jetsun Pema on their film Amala.

We thank Tenz Momo in Bern for sponsoring and hosting a welcoming dinner for Dalai Lama's Sister.

Gary Martin delivered an engaging audio-visual vision talk called "A Collective Vision".

Mohammed Abdeen receiving his "Award of Recognition" for his short film Expired.

Our EK Film Festival Community Member Ozgur Deniz working hard at the bar, welcoming guests non-stop :)



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